Nearly all of us have had contact with AI in the form of Google, Siri or a chatbot of some description. The technology press are hailing the many benefits of AI/Machine Learning which could lead you to believe that this is a widely adopted technology. So you might be surprised to learn that levels of implementation of AI technology can vary greatly depending on the industry. ContactBabel recently conducted some research that made for some very interesting reading.

Difference Between Industries
The difference in the levels of implementation and interest for future projects are quite striking. In Transport and Travel only have 5% implemented AI with no organisations with any plans to do so in the next 12 months. However bearing in mind the impact COVID-19 has had on the Transport and Travel industry it is maybe not surprising they are looking to reduce budgets rather than invest. Compare that to 97% of Retail and Distribution, another industry just starting to recover from COVID-19, who have implemented or have plans to do so.
Who Are The Front Runners?
Utilities, Insurance and Outsourcing report the greatest current use of AI with nearly two thirds of manufacturing and TMT (telecoms media and technology) planning to implement in the next 12 months.
Housing Leading The Way
Another surprising sector that has been an early adopter, and looks set to accelerate their use of AI, is Housing. We believe this is led by the increasing need for residents to be able to contact housing providers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residents want to be able to solve their problems there and then, not having to wait for a call back. Even the older generation are getting more tech savvy and now have digital access via smartphones. However the cost for total digital transformation can be high, so many companies are looking to chatbots and virtual assistants to provide an overall reduction in costs whilst improving services. We are looking forward to helping many more housing providers utilise AI solutions in the future. If you want to know more read our blog on Why The UK social housing sector is leading the charge on AI.
What Does The Future Hold?
Overall the chart demonstrates that there is substantial appetite across many sectors to implement AI or virtual assistants in the form of chatbots over the next 12 months. ContactBabel view some of these figures as quite ambitious, but certainly we have experienced a huge increase in interest, especially from the Housing sector, and with a growing number of case studies that show immediate benefits and an ROI within months, it is clearly an area to keep an eye on.
If you want to find out how to take your next steps in your AI journey contact us or call us on 0333 6000 360 to find out more.